The Unity Archiv

FUN - welche droge seid ihr ?
Soulmirror - 27.4.2005 um 00:22

klick mich

bei mir wars:

[QUOTE]You are Heroin (aka: smack, dope, brown sugar...). You are the most dangerous drug between all other kinds. You are bold, deep, dark,mysterious, have your own world. You are classified as class (A) illegal drugs.[/QUOTE]


... - 27.4.2005 um 01:34

"Service temporally not available"
Komische Droge!

Soulmirror - 27.4.2005 um 10:16

hier ist der link nochma: ality%3F/

dian - 27.4.2005 um 12:15

bei mir war es ebenfalls Heroin.
"You are bold, deep, dark, mysterious, have your own world." - naja, ne andere Beschreibung kommt für mich eh nicht in Frage...

Seneca - 27.4.2005 um 13:19

You are Cocaine (aka: coke, crack, snow, 151...). You are the second most commonly used drug in the world. You are very witty, talented, perky person if you can just have the right opportunity to show to everybody how unique you are, when you are in a good mood you can reach a very high point of happiness. You are classified as class (A and B) illegal drugs.

tesapowerstrip - 27.4.2005 um 13:36

cocaine war's bei mir auch

Zelder - 27.4.2005 um 14:08

Me too.

quaid - 27.4.2005 um 14:35

öfter mal was neues:

You are Marijuana (aka: weed, dope, skunk,
chronic...). You are the most commonly used
drug in the world. You are powerful, stubborn,
moody, have a strong attitude. You are
classified as class (A and B) illegal drugs.

> What kind of Drugs are you? and how that reflect your personality?
brought to you by Quizilla

... - 28.4.2005 um 00:42

Jetzt hat´s auch bei mirgeklappt mit dem Link.

Natürlich auch cocaine.
Muß ich mal ausprobieren, hab´ich noch nie. Soll so an die Zähne gehen. Aber mein Freund wollte das sowieso mal auf den Schwanz geschmiert bekommen, soll von der Wirkung her überzeugend sein.

harlequinn - 29.4.2005 um 17:24

habe , wie q mariuhana

Lonewolf - 29.4.2005 um 20:03

Bin ebenfalls Heroin.
"You are bold, deep, dark, mysterious, have your own world."
Ja, dazu muss man nix mehr sagen. ;)

vino - 3.5.2005 um 09:15

You are Heroin (aka: smack, dope, brown sugar...). You are the most dangerous drug between all other kinds. You are bold, deep, dark, mysterious, have your own world. You are classified as class (A) illegal drugs.

Es kommt nicht oft vor, dass ich mich zur Mehrheit zählen darf... :06:

... - 4.5.2005 um 00:46

Was heißt hier Mehrheit???
Koks und H sind ausgeglichen!!!

Soulmirror - 4.5.2005 um 10:22

innem andern forum war heroin auch so ziemlich das seltenste..

quaid - 4.5.2005 um 14:08

na das hat doch stil. die meisten hier vorkommenden drogen sondern uns immer noch von der mehrheit ab..

Madmous - 17.7.2005 um 17:51


deep7 - 3.3.2006 um 02:15

Auch interessant finde ich folgende Frage: What kind of masks you hide behind?

Mein Ergebnis: [I]You hide behind The Shadow Mask, you don't like to be in the spot light, you like to hide from everybody and just be alone, you think you put yourself in this position with your own will but the truth is that people made you go there, you don't trust people any more though inside you there is a voice screaming to go out and see the light, you look for some one who understands the real you, some one loves you unconditionally, if you were looking for some one to talk to, i'm all ears.[/I]

PS: als Art der Droge kam bei mir Marijuana raus